What effect is the sinners prayer having on America?

This is a letter I wrote in response to a topic on alter calls.) I would like to share with you how God used the gospel through radio to save my soul, yet how the radio is leading many people astray. and angering them toward the church with the sinners prayer. Or preachers telling people they don’t see or know, that they are saved and going to Heaven with no change of heart or seeking Christ. Please know that I love moody church and D.L. Moody and am not complaining about you. Actually Joseph Alleine is my all time favorite man of God) I am only sharing with you because I ran across a past discussion you had on alter calls. I believe it was March of 2014. The pastors are leading many alcoholic/addict to believe they are saved and it is giving false hope yet keeping them from seeking change of heart and new birth. In fact as I go into the jails to share how God has changed my life, nearly all of them are just as I was for 30 years, in their thinking. It’s become a nightmare and God is bringing to light the falsehood of this man made tactic that brings glory to the pastor and helps him brag about the number of salvation’s yet no change of heart is taking place. The outcasts and heavily burdened are wanting change of heart because they hate who they are. And believe that God made them to suffer. They do not know his word any better than a majority of those who have been in church all their lives. (My brief testimony http://wp.me/p4o6pG-37) during that time I would listen on television or radio and repeat these words many times in brokenness and despair. You might be very surprised how many people while high on meth or anything else do this or talk about Jesus with others and believe that they ate saved and going to Heaven because a preacher told them they are. The effect that television and radio salvation is having on these people is horrific I call it satans greatest tool. Many  people are now no longer going to seek Him because we already have salvation and all we had to do is repeat those words. Of course we mean it, am I a sinner well yes, remember? You said we all are and no one is perfect. Do I want to go to Heaven well yes, who wants hell? And no; i am not calling you so you can try to sell me something! This is absurd! And evil to lead people into believing God wants them to live in that condition. What makes any man think He can save someone in that state? Did Jesus ever ask someone these questions? He can see the heart, can these pastors have more saving grace than Jesus? Someone with a voice for the outcasts in this society has got to speak up from the pits of hell these pastors are leading us into  with their evil schemes to get more numbers under their belt. The Bible warns repeatedly about false prophets in the last days. I don’t believe all of them are doing it knowingly, I believe many think they are truly saving people. I also believe many “good people” are very active in church yet Matthew 7:22-23 clearly says they are not known by Him. 2 Timothy 3,4 describe this very well and Ephesians 2:1-6 and the New Testament is based on being born again dead to flesh and alive in Christ. What Christ did in my heart saved me from suicide. That is not in my testimony, that is very brief. Please hear the cries from skid row and the jail cells in our country and stop this before it makes more people angry with God and church. Why do you think so many are angry and crying out for change? They want changed hearts because they hate their lives, and they think God only loves the well to do church person, who thinks God loves them because they are not like the alcoholic/addict on the other side of town or in prison. May God give you wisdom to do His will in this matter.

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